According to a survey by Wakefield Research conducted between April 12 and April 18, some San Jose couples might be arguing more about politics than in the past. The survey found that since the presidential election in November, almost one-fourth of people who were in a relationship reported that they were fighting more with their partner about politics than they ever had.
Politics ended some relationships, with 22 percent of millennials reporting they had broken up with their partner over political differences and 1 in 10 people across all age groups reporting the same. One divorce attorney in New York agreed that after 35 years of practice, she was seeing an unprecedented number of relationships end over political disagreements.
Many couples fight about finances. However, in the study, over 20 percent of people in relationships reported more fights about the politics of the Trump administration than about money. Furthermore, 22 percent said they knew a couple whose relationship was suffering as a direct result of the election of President Trump.
The issues that cause couples to divorce, whether or not they are related to politics, may make it difficult for them to negotiate the terms. They might need to make decisions about property division and child custody. If they do not, the case will go to litigation where a judge will decide. In litigation, the approach is more adversarial. In negotiations outside of court, the couple might be able to reach a solution that is more of a compromise and that satisfies both of them. If one person has a much lower income than the other or no income, then the other spouse might be required to pay spousal support for a certain period of time.