
Questions to ask to determine if you’re ready for divorce

When you’re starting to wonder if it’s time to get a divorce, you will go through a period of time when you’re not sure. Some California spouses struggle with this question for years before they know for sure. Others come to the decision quickly, and move forward based on instance and intuition alone.

For those who are still struggling to know whether it’s time to end their marriage, there are four divorce questions you might want to ask yourself to gain more clarity on the topic.

4 questions to ask yourself before getting a divorce

— Do you have any feelings of love for your partner? If you still have some feelings for your partner, it could be a sign that you and your spouse could benefit from relationship counseling, or trying to work through your difficulties. If strong love feelings remain, you may want to consider delaying your breakup.

— Were you really married in the first place? Sometimes, two people are together kind of like a business transaction. They don’t really love one another, and they’re just fulfilling their basic needs. Were you in this kind of “me-centered” relationship, or were you in a true marriage that always asks, “what is good for us?”

— Are you ready, or is this just a “divorce threat?” Make sure you ask yourself if you’re using the idea of divorce to get something you want from your partner. Are you “threatening” or are you ready?

— Are you being emotionally reactive? We all get angry in relationships, and sometimes we become so reactive that we make rash decisions. Have you thought and felt through your decision enough to know for sure that you’re ready?

Need help evaluating if you’re ready for divorce?

Most San Jose divorce lawyers have consulted with hundreds of spouses who are on the fence about whether they should move forward with their divorce process. One way of helping to know for sure if you’re ready is to evaluate what you should expect in your divorce process. A lawyer can tell you what will likely happen, and what your legal rights are, in terms of child custody, asset division and more.

Source: Nov. 30, -0001