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Finding the Right Divorce and Family Lawyer in San Jose, CA

It has been statistically proven that the divorce rate is dropping in California; there are still thousands of people going through a divorce each year in the greater Bay Area and more specifically in the city of San Jose. If you’re one of the 39% getting divorced, it’s time you seek the right legal advice…. read more

Can You Get a Divorce Without Your Spouse’s Consent?

Both spouses are not always on the same page during a divorce case. Sometimes, one spouse wants the divorce while the other refuses to cooperate. A spouse’s refusal to consent to a divorce or sign the paperwork will not, however, halt the process. Couples in California can dissolve their marriages with or without both spouses’… read more

Should I File a Restraining Order Against My Ex?

Getting a divorce is a very stressful and emotional event, and during this time, you and your former spouse may be battling some serious emotions. However, in some instances, these emotions and the actions that result from them can pose a serious threat to you and your family’s safety. If you are a victim of… read more