
How California parents can protect best interests of the child

Learning to adjust to new lifestyles after divorce has become almost commonplace in the United States. Each family is unique, though most face similar issues regarding child custody or other parenting matters. The bottom line is that parents want to protect the best interests of the child when making important decisions about with whom the child will reside and who will have decision-making authority moving forward.

At Morgan Duffy-Smith & Tidalgo LLP, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest level of professionalism and integrity as we assist clients throughout Northern California who face legal challenges pertaining to the care and upbringing of children after divorce. We understand that changes in lifestyles and schedules may greatly affect children already trying to adjust to the separation of their parents. Our goal is to help you protect their best interests in court so as to minimize the impact such changes will have on their overall well-beings.

We are committed to helping you accomplish your legal goals through focused counsel and customized representation. Our attorneys make every effort to clearly understand clients’ circumstances in order to determine all options that might be available toward a favorable outcome. As your legal advocates, we can act on your behalf to simplify the legal process and allow you more time to focus on your family’s immediate needs.

Attorneys at MTSA Lsw Group LLP in California know that your child’s future is of paramount importance to you. We are prepared to protect the best interests of the child while making certain that you have every opportunity to fully exercise your parental rights to that end. To begin the process of achieving an amicable settlement to your family law-related issues, you may contact our office to schedule a consultation.